I have sunglasses in my bathroom.

Please ignore the mess.

They are there, sitting nicely on my wash basin not because my bathroom is too bright for my eyes to handle.

Also not for selfies.

Right after moving to my current place, I had issues on where I put my stuff in. The packing episodes were a bit of a rush, and I simply put everything, everywhere, in random boxes that my sister have prepared for me. That night, in my new place, I had to do my skincare routine, and I couldn’t find any hairbands or even a single rubber to tie my messy hair.

This is where my sunglasses came in. Like a fancy woman that I declared I am, I wore them to put away all these hair from my face, and I still wear them even now for the same purpose, and that’s how they are in my bathroom.

Washing my face but make it fashion.

Humans, after all, have a great skill called adaptation, where we can make things work out somehow within our limitations, exploring things and the possibilities. We change our ways for survival. This is how we managed to survive so far, and this is how we can survive the recent corona virus outbreak.

Not by wearing sunglasses, of course, but by changing our ways.

And it’s hard, I know. I’ve had my share of heartbreaks due to the cancelled plans, affected me mentally and economically. Others had it worse; Losing not only things that can be valued, like money, but also things that can’t be measured, like time, health, and the worst part: loved ones.

But it’s needed to be done for survival. We have to change.

There has been many articles and information spread all across the internet on how and what we need to change, so I am not going there. But if those things are the ones you are not used to do, like washing hands regularly and not touching your face, you have to learn to do it. You have to change. If working from home is not something you are used to, then you have to learn how to make it work. It’s easier to ignore those hoaxes I find in the whatsapp group, but it’s time to change and start spreading what matters. Change what you can change, and hope for the best.

I am currently self-quarantined myself at home and it’s not easy. As a person who enjoys hanging out with friends and going out to public places, staying at home for a long period is hard to bear. So I try how to make it more fun, and somehow becoming better at entertaining myself in small space. What was unbearable becomes doable.

Adapting, after all, is what we, humans, are good at.

It’s definitely not as easy as switching hair bands for sunglasses, but we need to adapt, and that’s the least thing we could do.

So we change, and hope for the best.

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