Old and new: Tags

During the period of me being away from the blog, which actually is quite a while, I got several new tags for myself, and also losing some that I hold on tightly to.

The thing is, I was once scared of losing tags. The tags were so close to my identity, I was scared of what would I be without them. I was scared of losing myself in the process, of people no longer seeing me as me.

Then i tried to embrace it.

One of the tags I lost was something I worked hard to earn for so long that losing it felt like such a big deal. “Head of Social”, is a tag I decided to drop with careful consideration and a heavy heart. I bid farewell to the advertising agency I worked for almost 3 years, surprisingly faster than I thought. This was the place where my I poured my heart into, for projects I fell in love with, with people that had become the best support system. It took me a while to realize that the tag might be lost, but the collective knowledge and wisdom from all the talented people there will always be there with me, and that was more important than the career path I climbed hard for more than 9 years.

Another tag was something I wasn’t prepared for. Marriage was something I thought I would do on my thirties, but what is life if not full of surprises. All the decisions were made during one month of preparation, which was doable since we already decided to do akad first and reception later sometime next year. Last October, under the blazingly hot afternoon, with sweat and tears and happy faces, the “fiance” tag I wore proudly got upgraded into “wife”. It’s a tag i am not familiar with, but still a tag I’m excited to wear, for I have my partner that will accompany me throughout the journey.

As I altered my point of view, losing tags become opportunities to gain more. This new phase in life gives me more freedom to discover various possibilities of tags that I want to try. “Blog Writer” tag is now a little worn, which needs some practices for me to be able to wear it proudly. I am wondering if “gardener” tag will sticking through with me. Trying my best to shake off the “lazy student” tag and start exercising my Korean study to keep on improving.

I’m currently working on the “Freelancer”, “Digital Consultant”, and “Remote worker” tags, which hopefully will become fruitful before 2020 comes. Had some interesting discussions with talented people around me with some interesting projects coming in, the projects I am looking forward to.

Losing tags are no longer scary for me.
Me, after all, is me, and will always be.


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