A work in progess

I remember telling my partner that I wish I was born with a different voice. I don’t even want the best voice in the world. Just one good enough to sing the songs that I would love to record.

I know that I don’t need to be really, like really awesome singers to sing. Some of the bands I like are not the best singers, but they sound right. Like they fit perfectly, like the song belongs to them. I feel like my voice don’t have a place anywhere.

Even worse, this feeling doesn’t stop there.

Whether it’s a song, or a writing, or even an opinion, I always find myself hesitating to share them, not even to my closest ones. It doesn’t feel right, like something’s missing, like it’s not good enough.

The feeling is so strong that even once I shared it, I deleted it after a while. So strong that I give up creating.

The discussion with my partner made me realize I have been seeing it wrong.

That I have been seeing my creations as an end product,

a final representation of myself,

but instead,

they are actually a work-in-progress,

and so am I.

Somehow, just by thinking that my songs and drawings and writings don’t have to be perfect to be seen by many, is liberating.

My creations grow as I grow, and I can keep coming back as a better me.

So one day, if you feel like your writing that took you sleepless nights, or the song you sing in your bedroom with your ukulele, or the drawings you create with warm thoughts in mind, are not good enough, don’t be afraid to share them, and don’t stop yourself to create.

Cause they are a work in progress, and so are we.

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